We engineer new technologies to answer tough biological questions. Find out more about innovative contributions:

Chip-Hybridized Association Mapping Platform
CHAMP allows scientists to measure the associations between a protein and millions of DNAs all at once.
It begins by reclaiming NGS flowcells, or "chips", after the DNAs on their surface have been sequenced. We use microfluidics to treat the chip's DNAs with fluorescently labeled proteins (or other molecules). We image their associations with one another using TIRF microscopy. By combining the collected images with the original sequencing data, the accompanying CHAMP software provides biophysical parameters, like the apparent binding affinity of the protein for each DNA on the chip surface.
Nuclease Digestion and Deep Sequencing
NucleaSeq allows scientists to measure where and how a nuclease cuts each and every member of a massive, synthesized DNA library.
It begins by synthesizing a library of informative target DNAs flanked with unique barcodes. We digest the library with the chosen nuclease, removing samples on a time course. Each sample receives a "timestamp" barcode before it is sequenced by NGS. The accompanying NucleaSeq software processes the sequencing data to provide biophysical parameters for each sequence in the DNA library: a cleavage rate, the initial cleavage site, and any further 'trimming' of the DNA ends.

Predicting and describing gene editor activity
Built upon our massive biochemical datasets, our biophysical models help translate our results into tools for predicting and describing how CRISPR nucleases operate. These technologies are developed together with our international collaborators.
Contact us for more information about these technologies.